Langue vivante 1 : Anglais • Langue vivante 2 : Allemand • Espagnol
Projet pédagogique : Un encadrement rigoureux dans un lieu de vie agréable et ouvert. Il est indispensable qu'un enfant travaille s'il veut réussir. Nous approfondissons les acquis par des études surveillées et animées. Si des lacunes apparaissent, elles sont immédiatement reprises en soutien.
Nombre d'enseignants : 17 • Nombre de surveillants : 10 • Nombre moyen d'élèves/enseignant : 16
Bâtiments et environnement : Bâtiment du 19ème avec toit mansardé dans un univers villageois à proximité de Paris. La proximité de la campagne et la tranquillité du site en font depuis plus d'un siècle un lieu recherché. • Équipements : BDI-CDI • Multimedia • Salle informatique • Salle de télévision • Salle de jeux • Bourses : Nationale
Nombre de nuits ouvert : 4 • Niveau minimal d'accueil des internes : CP • Niveau maximal d'accueil des internes : 3ème • Capacité d'accueil en internes : 240 places
Jour de rentrée : lundi matin • Jour de sortie : vendredi • Activités semaine : théâtre, musique, arts plastiques, production de films, foot, basket, danse hip-hop, ping-pong, judo, badminton et escalade • Activités proches de l'établissement : Equitation, natation, tennis, cinéma • Vie religieuse : choix de l'élève
Hébergement : Chambres collectives de 2 à 6 lits pour les élèves de la 5ème à la 3ème et petits dortoirs (10 à 12 lits) pour les élèves du primaire et de 6ème, tous équipés de douches contigues. • Préparation des repas sur place : Oui • Type de restauration : Self-service
Coût scolarité + internat (min) : 765 € - Tarif = par mois (765 en primaire - 809 au collège) + inscription 360 € • Coût scolarité + internat (max) : 809 €
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(School)No parameters were passed to this template.
No parameters were passed to this template.
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48 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "id" (/:module/:id/:action.:sf_format) |
49 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "action" (/:module/:action.:sf_format) |
50 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "permalink" (/:module/:id/) |
51 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "index" (/:module/) |
52 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "slug_i18n" (/:sf_culture/:module/:id/:slug.:action.:sf_format) |
53 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "id_i18n" (/:sf_culture/:module/:id/:action.:sf_format) |
54 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "action_i18n" (/:sf_culture/:module/:action.:sf_format) |
55 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "permalink_i18n" (/:sf_culture/:module/:id/) |
56 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "index_i18n" (/:sf_culture/:module/) |
57 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "homepage_i18n" (/:sf_culture/) |
58 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default_index" (/:module) |
59 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default" (/:module/:action/*) |
60 | ToolkitRouting | Match route "slug" (/:module/:id/:slug.:action.:sf_format) for /school/5889/COLLEGE-PRIVE-MOREAU-ECOLE-PRIMAIRE-BLAISE-PASCAL.popup.html with parameters array ( 'module' => 'school', 'action' => 'popup', 'id' => '5889', 'slug' => 'COLLEGE-PRIVE-MOREAU-ECOLE-PRIMAIRE-BLAISE-PASCAL', 'sf_format' => 'html',) |
61 | Doctrine_Connection_Mysql | query : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public_sessions ( code VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, data LONGTEXT, timeout TIMESTAMP, last_modified TIMESTAMP ) - () |
62 | sfCacheSessionStorage | New session created |
63 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" |
64 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "ToolkitFilter" |
65 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "myFilter" |
66 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfCacheFilter" |
67 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" |
68 | schoolActions | Call "schoolActions->executePopup()" |
69 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS s__id, s.parent_id AS s__parent_id, AS s__name, s.logo AS s__logo, s.expires_at AS s__expires_at, s.product_id AS s__product_id, s.display_id AS s__display_id, s.description AS s__description, s.keywords AS s__keywords, AS s__phone, s.fax AS s__fax, AS s__email, s.url AS s__url, s.street AS s__street, AS s__zip, AS s__city, AS s__country, s.country_extension AS s__country_extension, s.latitude AS s__latitude, s.longitude AS s__longitude, s.comment AS s__comment, AS s__search, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.slug AS s__slug, AS p__id, p.id_famille AS p__id_famille, p.tri AS p__tri, p.date_debut AS p__date_debut, p.date_fin AS p__date_fin, p.libelle_fr AS p__libelle_fr, p.keywords_tag AS p__keywords_tag, p.image_name AS p__image_name, p.texte_presentation AS p__texte_presentation, p.description AS p__description, AS p__video, p.code_produit AS p__code_produit, p.code_ean AS p__code_ean, p.code_isbn AS p__code_isbn, p.tva AS p__tva, p.prix_public AS p__prix_public, p.port_unitaire AS p__port_unitaire, p.prix_promo AS p__prix_promo, p.date_debut_promo AS p__date_debut_promo, p.date_fin_promo AS p__date_fin_promo, p.disponibilite AS p__disponibilite, p.poids_net AS p__poids_net, p.hauteur AS p__hauteur, p.largeur AS p__largeur, p.profondeur AS p__profondeur, p.genre AS p__genre, p.editeur AS p__editeur, p.date_parution AS p__date_parution, p.auteur AS p__auteur, p.preface AS p__preface, p.presentation AS p__presentation, p.nb_pages AS p__nb_pages, p.date_creation AS p__date_creation, p.date_maj AS p__date_maj FROM s LEFT JOIN fabert_ng.produit p ON s.product_id = WHERE ( = ?) LIMIT 1 - (5889) |
70 | Doctrine_Connection_Mysql | query : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS my_cache ( code VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, data LONGTEXT, timeout TIMESTAMP, last_modified TIMESTAMP ) - () |
71 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/nb, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
72 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/nb, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
73 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/nb, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
74 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/field_set.1, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
75 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/field_set.1, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
76 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/diploma, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
77 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/diploma, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
78 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/diploma, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
79 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/formation, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
80 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/formation, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
81 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/formation, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
82 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/user, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
83 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/user, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
84 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/user, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
85 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/image, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
86 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/image, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
87 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/image, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
88 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/video, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
89 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/video, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
90 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/5889/video, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
91 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS s__id, s.id_tiermed AS s__id_tiermed, AS s__date, s.type_clic AS s__type_clic, s.nb_clics AS s__nb_clics, s.connected_ids AS s__connected_ids, s.connected_nb AS s__connected_nb FROM fabert_ng.stats_clics_pubs s WHERE (s.id_tiermed = ? AND s.type_clic = ? AND = ?) LIMIT 1 - (5889, 2, 2024-12-22) |
92 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : UPDATE fabert_ng.stats_clics_pubs SET nb_clics = ? WHERE id = ? - (5, 15019717) |
93 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS s__id, s.parent_id AS s__parent_id, AS s__name, s.logo AS s__logo, s.expires_at AS s__expires_at, s.product_id AS s__product_id, s.display_id AS s__display_id, s.description AS s__description, s.keywords AS s__keywords, AS s__phone, s.fax AS s__fax, AS s__email, s.url AS s__url, s.street AS s__street, AS s__zip, AS s__city, AS s__country, s.country_extension AS s__country_extension, s.latitude AS s__latitude, s.longitude AS s__longitude, s.comment AS s__comment, AS s__search, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.slug AS s__slug FROM s WHERE ( = ?) LIMIT 1 - (5889) |
94 | schoolActions | Change layout to "popup" |
95 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT AS s__id, s.id_tiermed AS s__id_tiermed, AS s__date, s.type_clic AS s__type_clic, s.nb_clics AS s__nb_clics, s.connected_ids AS s__connected_ids, s.connected_nb AS s__connected_nb FROM fabert_ng.stats_clics_pubs s WHERE (s.id_tiermed = ? AND s.type_clic = ? AND = ?) LIMIT 1 - (5889, 5, 2024-12-22) |
96 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : UPDATE fabert_ng.stats_clics_pubs SET nb_clics = ? WHERE id = ? - (2, 15023244) |
97 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/school/templates/popupSuccess.php" |
98 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (reference_list, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
99 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (reference_list, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
100 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (reference_list, 2024-12-22 15:11:33) |
101 | sfPHPView | Decorate content with "sf_app_dir/templates/popup.php" |
102 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/popup.php" |
103 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/_analytics.php" |
104 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/_analytics_noscript.php" |
105 | ToolkitResponse | Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" |
106 | ToolkitResponse | Send header "Cache-Control: private" |
107 | ToolkitResponse | Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" |
108 | ToolkitResponse | Send header "X-Xss-Protection: 1" |
109 | ToolkitResponse | Send header "X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN" |
110 | ToolkitResponse | Send cookie "GowID": "401a002c1954b8e5f40d37cc58602034:ab2f3f429987769b510080eb68c32eb478114fb6" |
type | calls | time (ms) | time (%) |
Configuration | 10 | 0,78 | 0 |
Database (Doctrine) | 40 | 62,03 | 41 |
Factories | 1 | 19,77 | 13 |
Action "school/popup" | 1 | 67,11 | 45 |
View "Success" for "school/popup" | 1 | 30,03 | 20 |
Partial "global/_analytics" | 1 | 0,14 | 0 |
Partial "global/_analytics_noscript" | 1 | 0,12 | 0 |
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public_sessions ( code VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, data LONGTEXT, timeout TIMESTAMP, last_modified TIMESTAMP )
SELECT AS s__id, s.parent_id AS s__parent_id, AS s__name, s.logo AS s__logo, s.expires_at AS s__expires_at, s.product_id AS s__product_id, s.display_id AS s__display_id, s.description AS s__description, s.keywords AS s__keywords, AS s__phone, s.fax AS s__fax, AS s__email, s.url AS s__url, s.street AS s__street, AS s__zip, AS s__city, AS s__country, s.country_extension AS s__country_extension, s.latitude AS s__latitude, s.longitude AS s__longitude, s.comment AS s__comment, AS s__search, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.slug AS s__slug, AS p__id, p.id_famille AS p__id_famille, p.tri AS p__tri, p.date_debut AS p__date_debut, p.date_fin AS p__date_fin, p.libelle_fr AS p__libelle_fr, p.keywords_tag AS p__keywords_tag, p.image_name AS p__image_name, p.texte_presentation AS p__texte_presentation, p.description AS p__description, AS p__video, p.code_produit AS p__code_produit, p.code_ean AS p__code_ean, p.code_isbn AS p__code_isbn, p.tva AS p__tva, p.prix_public AS p__prix_public, p.port_unitaire AS p__port_unitaire, p.prix_promo AS p__prix_promo, p.date_debut_promo AS p__date_debut_promo, p.date_fin_promo AS p__date_fin_promo, p.disponibilite AS p__disponibilite, p.poids_net AS p__poids_net, p.hauteur AS p__hauteur, p.largeur AS p__largeur, p.profondeur AS p__profondeur, p.genre AS p__genre, p.editeur AS p__editeur, p.date_parution AS p__date_parution, p.auteur AS p__auteur, p.preface AS p__preface, p.presentation AS p__presentation, p.nb_pages AS p__nb_pages, p.date_creation AS p__date_creation, p.date_maj AS p__date_maj FROM s LEFT JOIN fabert_ng.produit p ON s.product_id = WHERE ( = '5889') LIMIT 1
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/nb' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/nb' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/nb' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/field_set.1' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/field_set.1' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/diploma' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/diploma' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/diploma' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/formation' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/formation' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/formation' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/user' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/user' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/user' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/image' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/image' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/image' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/video' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/video' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'school/5889/video' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT AS s__id, s.id_tiermed AS s__id_tiermed, AS s__date, s.type_clic AS s__type_clic, s.nb_clics AS s__nb_clics, s.connected_ids AS s__connected_ids, s.connected_nb AS s__connected_nb FROM fabert_ng.stats_clics_pubs s WHERE (s.id_tiermed = '5889' AND s.type_clic = 2 AND = '2024-12-22') LIMIT 1
UPDATE fabert_ng.stats_clics_pubs SET nb_clics = 5 WHERE id = '15019717'
SELECT AS s__id, s.parent_id AS s__parent_id, AS s__name, s.logo AS s__logo, s.expires_at AS s__expires_at, s.product_id AS s__product_id, s.display_id AS s__display_id, s.description AS s__description, s.keywords AS s__keywords, AS s__phone, s.fax AS s__fax, AS s__email, s.url AS s__url, s.street AS s__street, AS s__zip, AS s__city, AS s__country, s.country_extension AS s__country_extension, s.latitude AS s__latitude, s.longitude AS s__longitude, s.comment AS s__comment, AS s__search, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.slug AS s__slug FROM s WHERE ( = '5889') LIMIT 1
SELECT AS s__id, s.id_tiermed AS s__id_tiermed, AS s__date, s.type_clic AS s__type_clic, s.nb_clics AS s__nb_clics, s.connected_ids AS s__connected_ids, s.connected_nb AS s__connected_nb FROM fabert_ng.stats_clics_pubs s WHERE (s.id_tiermed = '5889' AND s.type_clic = 5 AND = '2024-12-22') LIMIT 1
UPDATE fabert_ng.stats_clics_pubs SET nb_clics = 2 WHERE id = '15023244'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'reference_list' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'reference_list' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'
SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = 'reference_list' AND timeout > '2024-12-22 15:11:33'