# |
type |
message |
1 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "homepage" (/) |
2 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default/vcard" (/vcard.php) |
3 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default/sitemap" (/sitemap.:sf_format) |
4 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default/schoolmap" (/schoolmap.:p.:sf_format) |
5 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default/pagemap" (/pagemap.:sf_format) |
6 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default/searchmap" (/searchmap.:sf_format) |
7 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default/redirect1" (/pages/:slug.php) |
8 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default/redirect2" (/:slug.php) |
9 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default/login" (/connexion.:sf_format) |
10 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default/logout" (/deconnexion.:sf_format) |
11 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default/password" (/mot-de-passe-oublie.:sf_format) |
12 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default/subscribe" (/acceder-a-notre-service/:slug.:id.:sf_format) |
13 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "user/create" (/compte-utilisateur/creer.:sf_format) |
14 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "user/manage" (/compte-utilisateur/modifier.:sf_format) |
15 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "user/update" (/compte-utilisateur/mettre-a-jour.:sf_format) |
16 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "user/favorite" (/mes-favoris.:sf_format) |
17 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "school/index" (/etablissement-prive/) |
18 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "school/marker" (/etablissement-prive/marker.:sf_format) |
19 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "school/view" (/etablissement-prive/:id/:slug.:sf_format) |
20 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "school/google" (/etablissement-prive/:id/:slug.:sf_format) |
21 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "school/permalink" (/etablissement-prive/:id/) |
22 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "_school/view" (/etablissement-prive/:slug.:id.:sf_format) |
23 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "school/index-diploma" (/diplome-enseignement-prive/:d/:slug.html) |
24 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "school/index-profile" (/recherche-etablissement-prive/:m/:slug.html) |
25 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "orientation/index" (/orientation-bilans/) |
26 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "orientation/view" (/orientation-bilans/:slug.:id.:sf_format) |
27 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "orientation/product" (/orientation-bilans/:slug.:id.produit.:sf_format) |
28 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "studies/index" (/etudes-etranger/) |
29 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "studies/view" (/etudes-etranger/:slug.:id.:sf_format) |
30 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "studies/product" (/etudes-etranger/:slug.:id.produit.:sf_format) |
31 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "edition/index" (/editions-fabert/) |
32 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "edition/author" (/editions-fabert/les-auteurs.:sf_format) |
33 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "edition/detail" (/editions-fabert/les-auteurs/:slug.:id.:sf_format) |
34 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "edition/view" (/editions-fabert-etranger/:slug.:id.:sf_format) |
35 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "edition/product" (/editions-fabert/:slug.:id.produit.:sf_format) |
36 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "page/event" (/evenements/) |
37 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "page/event.rss" (/evenements/flux.:sf_format) |
38 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "news/index" (/actualites/) |
39 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "news/view" (/actualites/:slug.:id.:sf_format) |
40 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "news/index.rss" (/actualites/flux.:sf_format) |
41 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "job/index" (/emplois-carrieres/) |
42 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "job/view" (/emplois-carrieres/:slug.:id.:sf_format) |
43 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "job/product" (/emplois-carrieres/:slug.:id.product.:sf_format) |
44 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "job/offer" (/emplois-carrieres/offre-d-emploi.:sf_format) |
45 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "page/view" (/page/:slug.:id.:sf_format) |
46 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "track/media" (/media/:id/:file) |
47 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "slug" (/:module/:id/:slug.:action.:sf_format) |
48 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "id" (/:module/:id/:action.:sf_format) |
49 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "action" (/:module/:action.:sf_format) |
50 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "permalink" (/:module/:id/) |
51 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "index" (/:module/) |
52 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "slug_i18n" (/:sf_culture/:module/:id/:slug.:action.:sf_format) |
53 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "id_i18n" (/:sf_culture/:module/:id/:action.:sf_format) |
54 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "action_i18n" (/:sf_culture/:module/:action.:sf_format) |
55 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "permalink_i18n" (/:sf_culture/:module/:id/) |
56 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "index_i18n" (/:sf_culture/:module/) |
57 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "homepage_i18n" (/:sf_culture/) |
58 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default_index" (/:module) |
59 | ToolkitRouting | Connect sfRoute "default" (/:module/:action/*) |
60 | ToolkitRouting | Match route "slug" (/:module/:id/:slug.:action.:sf_format) for /school/6516/LYCEE-TECHNOLOGIQUE-PRIVE-CHARLES-PEGUY.popup.html with parameters array ( 'module' => 'school', 'action' => 'popup', 'id' => '6516', 'slug' => 'LYCEE-TECHNOLOGIQUE-PRIVE-CHARLES-PEGUY', 'sf_format' => 'html',) |
61 | Doctrine_Connection_Mysql | query : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public_sessions ( code VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, data LONGTEXT, timeout TIMESTAMP, last_modified TIMESTAMP ) - () |
62 | sfCacheSessionStorage | New session created |
63 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" |
64 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "ToolkitFilter" |
65 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "myFilter" |
66 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfCacheFilter" |
67 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" |
68 | schoolActions | Call "schoolActions->executePopup()" |
69 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.parent_id AS s__parent_id, s.name AS s__name, s.logo AS s__logo, s.expires_at AS s__expires_at, s.product_id AS s__product_id, s.display_id AS s__display_id, s.description AS s__description, s.keywords AS s__keywords, s.phone AS s__phone, s.fax AS s__fax, s.email AS s__email, s.url AS s__url, s.street AS s__street, s.zip AS s__zip, s.city AS s__city, s.country AS s__country, s.country_extension AS s__country_extension, s.latitude AS s__latitude, s.longitude AS s__longitude, s.comment AS s__comment, s.search AS s__search, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.slug AS s__slug, p.id AS p__id, p.id_famille AS p__id_famille, p.tri AS p__tri, p.date_debut AS p__date_debut, p.date_fin AS p__date_fin, p.libelle_fr AS p__libelle_fr, p.keywords_tag AS p__keywords_tag, p.image_name AS p__image_name, p.texte_presentation AS p__texte_presentation, p.description AS p__description, p.video AS p__video, p.code_produit AS p__code_produit, p.code_ean AS p__code_ean, p.code_isbn AS p__code_isbn, p.tva AS p__tva, p.prix_public AS p__prix_public, p.port_unitaire AS p__port_unitaire, p.prix_promo AS p__prix_promo, p.date_debut_promo AS p__date_debut_promo, p.date_fin_promo AS p__date_fin_promo, p.disponibilite AS p__disponibilite, p.poids_net AS p__poids_net, p.hauteur AS p__hauteur, p.largeur AS p__largeur, p.profondeur AS p__profondeur, p.genre AS p__genre, p.editeur AS p__editeur, p.date_parution AS p__date_parution, p.auteur AS p__auteur, p.preface AS p__preface, p.presentation AS p__presentation, p.nb_pages AS p__nb_pages, p.date_creation AS p__date_creation, p.date_maj AS p__date_maj FROM fabert_cms.school s LEFT JOIN fabert_ng.produit p ON s.product_id = p.id WHERE (s.id = ?) LIMIT 1 - (6516) |
70 | Doctrine_Connection_Mysql | query : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS my_cache ( code VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, data LONGTEXT, timeout TIMESTAMP, last_modified TIMESTAMP ) - () |
71 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/nb, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
72 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/nb, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
73 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/nb, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
74 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/6516/field_set.1, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
75 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT f.id AS f__id, f.sort AS f__sort, f.name AS f__name, f.hook AS f__hook, f.created_at AS f__created_at, f.updated_at AS f__updated_at, f2.id AS f2__id, f2.field_set_id AS f2__field_set_id, f2.reference_type_id AS f2__reference_type_id, f2.sort AS f2__sort, f2.type AS f2__type, f2.name AS f2__name, f2.help AS f2__help, f2.privacy AS f2__privacy, f2.rule AS f2__rule, f2.hook AS f2__hook, f2.comment AS f2__comment, f2.newline AS f2__newline, f2.created_at AS f2__created_at, f2.updated_at AS f2__updated_at, f2.slug AS f2__slug, s.id AS s__id, s.code AS s__code, s.school_id AS s__school_id, s.field_id AS s__field_id, s.name AS s__name, s.description AS s__description FROM fabert_cms.field_set f INNER JOIN fabert_cms.field f2 ON f.id = f2.field_set_id INNER JOIN fabert_cms.school_information s ON f2.id = s.field_id WHERE (f2.privacy != ? AND s.school_id = ? AND s.name != ?) ORDER BY f.sort, f.name, f2.sort, f2.name, s.id - (hidden, 6516, Tous les internats) |
76 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : REPLACE INTO my_cache (code, data, timeout, last_modified) VALUES (?,?,?,?) - (school/6516/field_set.1, [8.93Kb], 2024-12-23 14:09:08, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
77 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/6516/diploma, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
78 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.libelle_fr AS c__libelle_fr, c.bord_gauche AS c__bord_gauche, c.bord_droit AS c__bord_droit, c.niveau AS c__niveau, c.id_parent AS c__id_parent, c.code_educnat AS c__code_educnat, d.id AS d__id, d.id_classification_diplome AS d__id_classification_diplome, d.id_rubriquage AS d__id_rubriquage, d.tri AS d__tri, d.libelle_diplome_maison AS d__libelle_diplome_maison, d.condition_acces AS d__condition_acces, d.duree_formation AS d__duree_formation, d.niveau_sortie AS d__niveau_sortie, d.formation_initiale AS d__formation_initiale, d.contrat_prof AS d__contrat_prof, d.contrat_app AS d__contrat_app, d.internat AS d__internat, d.alternance AS d__alternance, d.temps_plein AS d__temps_plein FROM fabert_ng.classification_diplome c LEFT JOIN fabert_ng.diplome d ON c.id = d.id_classification_diplome LEFT JOIN fabert_ng.rubriquage r ON d.id_rubriquage = r.id LEFT JOIN fabert_ng.classification_rubriquage c2 ON r.id_classification_rubriquage = c2.id WHERE (r.id_tiers_moral = ? AND c2.id is not null) GROUP BY c.id, d.id ORDER BY c.bord_gauche - (6516) |
79 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.libelle_fr AS c__libelle_fr, c.bord_gauche AS c__bord_gauche, c.bord_droit AS c__bord_droit, c.niveau AS c__niveau, c.id_parent AS c__id_parent, c.code_educnat AS c__code_educnat FROM fabert_ng.classification_diplome c WHERE (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) OR (c.niveau >= 3 AND c.bord_gauche <= ? AND c.bord_droit >= ?) - (2252, 2257, 2568, 2569, 2570, 2571, 2638, 2639, 2652, 2665, 2653, 2654, 2655, 2656, 2657, 2658, 2659, 2660, 2787, 2788, 2791, 2792, 2793, 2794, 2795, 2796, 2803, 2804, 2809, 2810, 2815, 2816, 2827, 2828, 2879, 2880, 3398, 3399, 3410, 3411, 3655, 3656, 3657, 3658, 3714, 3715, 4305, 4306, 4508, 4509, 4805, 4806) |
80 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : REPLACE INTO my_cache (code, data, timeout, last_modified) VALUES (?,?,?,?) - (school/6516/diploma, [15.21Kb], 2024-12-23 14:09:08, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
81 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/6516/formation, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
82 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.libelle_fr AS c__libelle_fr, c.bord_gauche AS c__bord_gauche, c.bord_droit AS c__bord_droit, c.niveau AS c__niveau, r.id AS r__id, r.id_classification_rubriquage AS r__id_classification_rubriquage, r.id_tiers_moral AS r__id_tiers_moral, r.commentaire_formation AS r__commentaire_formation, r.date_creation AS r__date_creation, r.date_maj AS r__date_maj, d.id AS d__id, d.id_classification_diplome AS d__id_classification_diplome, d.id_rubriquage AS d__id_rubriquage, d.tri AS d__tri, d.libelle_diplome_maison AS d__libelle_diplome_maison, d.condition_acces AS d__condition_acces, d.duree_formation AS d__duree_formation, d.niveau_sortie AS d__niveau_sortie, d.formation_initiale AS d__formation_initiale, d.contrat_prof AS d__contrat_prof, d.contrat_app AS d__contrat_app, d.internat AS d__internat, d.alternance AS d__alternance, d.temps_plein AS d__temps_plein FROM fabert_ng.classification_rubriquage c INNER JOIN fabert_ng.rubriquage r ON c.id = r.id_classification_rubriquage INNER JOIN fabert_ng.diplome d ON r.id = d.id_rubriquage WHERE (r.id_tiers_moral = ? AND d.id_classification_diplome is null) ORDER BY d.tri - (6516) |
83 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : REPLACE INTO my_cache (code, data, timeout, last_modified) VALUES (?,?,?,?) - (school/6516/formation, [2.03Kb], 2024-12-23 14:09:08, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
84 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/6516/user, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
85 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT t.id AS t__id, t.prenom AS t__prenom, t.nom AS t__nom, t.id_civilite AS t__id_civilite, t.date_naissance AS t__date_naissance, t.telephone AS t__telephone, t.telephone_portable AS t__telephone_portable, t.fax AS t__fax, t.email AS t__email, t.password AS t__password, t.adresse AS t__adresse, t.code_postal AS t__code_postal, t.ville AS t__ville, t.id_pays AS t__id_pays, t.adresse_livraison AS t__adresse_livraison, t.code_postal_livraison AS t__code_postal_livraison, t.ville_livraison AS t__ville_livraison, t.pays_livraison AS t__pays_livraison, t.utiliser_adr_livraison AS t__utiliser_adr_livraison, t.id_profil_client AS t__id_profil_client, t.profil_autre AS t__profil_autre, t.ok_newsletter AS t__ok_newsletter, t.organe AS t__organe, t.date_creation AS t__date_creation, t.date_maj AS t__date_maj, p.id AS p__id, p.id_classification_profil AS p__id_classification_profil, p.id_tiers_physique AS p__id_tiers_physique, p.id_tiers_moral AS p__id_tiers_moral, p.public AS p__public, p.admin_fiche AS p__admin_fiche, p.debut_relation AS p__debut_relation, p.fin_relation AS p__fin_relation, p.com_profil AS p__com_profil, p.tri AS p__tri, p.stop_msg AS p__stop_msg, c.id AS c__id, c.libelle_fr AS c__libelle_fr, c.bord_gauche AS c__bord_gauche, c.bord_droit AS c__bord_droit, c.niveau AS c__niveau FROM fabert_ng.tiers_physique t INNER JOIN fabert_ng.profilage p ON t.id = p.id_tiers_physique INNER JOIN fabert_ng.classification_profil c ON p.id_classification_profil = c.id WHERE (p.id_tiers_moral = ? AND p.public = ? AND (p.debut_relation <= ? OR p.debut_relation is null OR p.debut_relation = ?) AND (p.fin_relation >= ? OR p.fin_relation is null OR p.fin_relation = ?)) ORDER BY p.tri, t.prenom, t.nom - (6516, 1, 2024-12-22, 0000-00-00, 2024-12-22, 0000-00-00) |
86 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : REPLACE INTO my_cache (code, data, timeout, last_modified) VALUES (?,?,?,?) - (school/6516/user, [2.21Kb], 2024-12-23 14:09:08, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
87 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/6516/image, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
88 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT m.id AS m__id, m.id_parent AS m__id_parent, m.libelle_fr AS m__libelle_fr, m.nom_fichier AS m__nom_fichier, m.extension AS m__extension, m.type_media AS m__type_media, m.width AS m__width, m.height AS m__height, m.ext_link AS m__ext_link, m.date_debut AS m__date_debut, m.date_fin AS m__date_fin, m.video AS m__video FROM fabert_ng.media_fabert m WHERE (m.id_parent = ? AND m.type_media = ?) - (6516, 100) |
89 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : REPLACE INTO my_cache (code, data, timeout, last_modified) VALUES (?,?,?,?) - (school/6516/image, a:0:{}, 2024-12-23 14:09:08, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
90 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/6516/video, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
91 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT m.id AS m__id, m.id_parent AS m__id_parent, m.libelle_fr AS m__libelle_fr, m.nom_fichier AS m__nom_fichier, m.extension AS m__extension, m.type_media AS m__type_media, m.width AS m__width, m.height AS m__height, m.ext_link AS m__ext_link, m.date_debut AS m__date_debut, m.date_fin AS m__date_fin, m.video AS m__video FROM fabert_ng.media_fabert m WHERE (m.id_parent = ? AND m.type_media = ? AND m.video != ?) - (6516, 103, ) |
92 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : REPLACE INTO my_cache (code, data, timeout, last_modified) VALUES (?,?,?,?) - (school/6516/video, a:0:{}, 2024-12-23 14:09:08, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
93 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (school/6516/advert, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
94 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT m.id AS m__id, m.id_parent AS m__id_parent, m.libelle_fr AS m__libelle_fr, m.nom_fichier AS m__nom_fichier, m.extension AS m__extension, m.type_media AS m__type_media, m.width AS m__width, m.height AS m__height, m.ext_link AS m__ext_link, m.date_debut AS m__date_debut, m.date_fin AS m__date_fin, m.video AS m__video, s.id AS s__id, s.slug AS s__slug, s.name AS s__name, SUM(if(f.id_produit = 3271, 1, 0)) AS f__0 FROM fabert_ng.media_fabert m LEFT JOIN fabert_cms.school s ON m.id_parent = s.id LEFT JOIN fabert_ng.fabert_go_targets f ON s.id = f.id_client_go WHERE (m.type_media = ? AND f.id_target = ? AND m.nom_fichier is not null) GROUP BY m.id ORDER BY f.date_expiration desc - (1509, 6516) |
95 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : REPLACE INTO my_cache (code, data, timeout, last_modified) VALUES (?,?,?,?) - (school/6516/advert, a:0:{}, 2024-12-23 14:09:08, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
96 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.id_tiermed AS s__id_tiermed, s.date AS s__date, s.type_clic AS s__type_clic, s.nb_clics AS s__nb_clics, s.connected_ids AS s__connected_ids, s.connected_nb AS s__connected_nb FROM fabert_ng.stats_clics_pubs s WHERE (s.id_tiermed = ? AND s.type_clic = ? AND s.date = ?) LIMIT 1 - (6516, 2, 2024-12-22) |
97 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : UPDATE fabert_ng.stats_clics_pubs SET nb_clics = ? WHERE id = ? - (3, 15017145) |
98 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.parent_id AS s__parent_id, s.name AS s__name, s.logo AS s__logo, s.expires_at AS s__expires_at, s.product_id AS s__product_id, s.display_id AS s__display_id, s.description AS s__description, s.keywords AS s__keywords, s.phone AS s__phone, s.fax AS s__fax, s.email AS s__email, s.url AS s__url, s.street AS s__street, s.zip AS s__zip, s.city AS s__city, s.country AS s__country, s.country_extension AS s__country_extension, s.latitude AS s__latitude, s.longitude AS s__longitude, s.comment AS s__comment, s.search AS s__search, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.slug AS s__slug FROM fabert_cms.school s WHERE (s.id = ?) LIMIT 1 - (6516) |
99 | schoolActions | Change layout to "popup" |
100 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.id_tiermed AS s__id_tiermed, s.date AS s__date, s.type_clic AS s__type_clic, s.nb_clics AS s__nb_clics, s.connected_ids AS s__connected_ids, s.connected_nb AS s__connected_nb FROM fabert_ng.stats_clics_pubs s WHERE (s.id_tiermed = ? AND s.type_clic = ? AND s.date = ?) LIMIT 1 - (6516, 5, 2024-12-22) |
101 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : INSERT INTO fabert_ng.stats_clics_pubs (connected_ids, connected_nb, id_tiermed, type_clic, date, nb_clics) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) - (, 0, 6516, 5, 2024-12-22, 1) |
102 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/school/templates/popupSuccess.php" |
103 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (reference_list, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
104 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (reference_list, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
105 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT data FROM my_cache WHERE code = ? AND timeout > ? - (reference_list, 2024-12-22 14:09:08) |
106 | sfPHPView | Decorate content with "sf_app_dir/templates/popup.php" |
107 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/popup.php" |
108 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/_analytics.php" |
109 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/_analytics_noscript.php" |
110 | ToolkitResponse | Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" |
111 | ToolkitResponse | Send header "Cache-Control: private" |
112 | ToolkitResponse | Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" |
113 | ToolkitResponse | Send header "X-Xss-Protection: 1" |
114 | ToolkitResponse | Send header "X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN" |
115 | ToolkitResponse | Send cookie "GowID": "bcc65ab8f7ae095b9df81bfd40888dcf:f4f1d6132fd64ffb7273c838bf7666fbd95a5371" |